Strategies for the refurbishment of public buildings - EmBuild project


Group of authors


EU, 2019


Horizon 2020 European Union Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 95169


The team that worked on the EmBuild project in front of the University of Belgrade, in cooperation with local government teams, and following the general guidelines and structure of the EmBuild project, developed three exemplary strategies for the renovation of public buildings for different local governments:
- local government in the energy management system (Vrbas municipality),
- local government which is not in the energy management system (Lajkovac municipality) and
- Local government representative of city municipalities (Sopot municipality, city of Belgrade).
The aim of the strategies is a preliminary review of the public buildings stock of local governments, assessment of their energy performance, prioritization of facilities to be refurbished and creation of realistic refurbishment scenarios with estimted savings that can be achieved. In addition, the strategies offer guidance on available tools, those both developed within the EmBuild and other projects, without which the process of analyzing the structure and characteristics of the building stock, energy saving opportunities and strategic planning for refurbishment activities would not be possible.

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